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High speed # Punching Keel Production Line # Remote Operation and Maintenance Tool for Canadian Customers, Durable Choice Compliant with North American Certification

In the field of modern production, efficiency and intelligence have become the two major goals pursued by enterprises. Zhongtuo Cold Bending has always been at the forefront of this industrial revolution with its patented high-speed punching keel production line.

Our production line has not only won the trust of Canadian customers, but also become synonymous with space saving and labor-saving semi-automatic production lines with its Siemens remote operation and maintenance system and artificial intelligence data collection and sorting function.

1、 Efficient production, starting from selecting # to expand cold bending
The high-speed punching keel production line of Zhongtuo Cold Bending, with its unique patented design, meets the high efficiency needs of Canadian customers. While ensuring high-speed production, we place greater emphasis on the practicality and durability of our production lines. This can be seen from our use of components that comply with North American electrical safety certification.

2、 Remote operation and maintenance, intelligent data collection and sorting
In the context of intelligent production, Zhongtuo’s cold bending production line is equipped with Siemens remote operation and maintenance system. This system allows Canadian customers to monitor production status in real-time and adjust production strategies in a timely manner, even in remote North America. At the same time, we have introduced artificial intelligence technology for data collection and sorting, greatly improving the efficiency of utilizing production data.

3、 Space saving, new concept of semi-automatic production line
In order to help customers achieve maximum production within limited space, Zhongtuo’s semi-automatic production line for cold bending adopts a space saving design. This not only reduces the floor area of the production workshop, but also lowers labor costs. While improving production efficiency, the goal of resource conservation has also been achieved.

The high-speed punching keel production line of Zhongtuo Cold Bending has become the preferred choice for Canadian customers due to its patented design, efficient production, remote operation and maintenance, and space saving advantages. We not only focus on the performance of the production line, but also on its safety and durability that comply with North American certification. Choosing Zhongtuo Cold Bend means choosing a practical and useful production tool. Let’s embrace the future of intelligent production together and work together to create a better new chapter.